
A Short Story: Peppermint Tea

Something a bit different. Having trouble sleeping tonight so I thought I would write my first ever short story. Here it goes... She rattled her keys against the dark blue wooden doorway. She knew her husband was home from the light fading through the foggy pane of the door from the furthest room at the… Continue reading A Short Story: Peppermint Tea

Books, Mental Health

What Voldemort Can Teach You About Friendship

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets presents an interesting concept through the use of a diary. Tom Riddle/ Voldemort is notoriously evil and manipulative but I thought it was good of J.K.Rowling to provide the proverbial red flags from the horses mouth. I used to be quite a naive and trusting soul, and I do still often 'slip up', but this ones for those who are new to the world of narcissists and beyond.