Lessons Learnt Series

Daily Lesson Learnt – Day 65

I am being heavily reminded of Christmas approaching which means the end of the year is nigh. I used to have horrible feelings around Christmas, and for a while I disliked all celebrations – my birthday, other peoples birthdays, New years, results days. I had this annoying feeling that you have to be happy and sprite during a time when I wasn’t and did not want to fake my feelings- the expectations were too high. I remember thinking that it would be like this forever, and everytime something approached i would feel doom. But things change, feelings change, people change, your schedule changes. Life is ever changing, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worst but the point is that it does.

This is a new daily series I am starting from 1st August 2020 for one year. I want to be more present in my life whilst also growing and planning for my future and I think that by analysing my day and sharing something I have learnt, whether it’s philosophical, social, a life skill etc, it will help me to grow and hopefully inspire you to appreciate the smaller details in your life too!

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